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Hi there!
Apologies for an impersonal reply, we ended up getting far more responses than we expected from LinkedIn and the various places my call-out was re-posted.
Thank you for taking the time to reply, we're only sending this out to people we think would be a good fit for Ashore.
In this document I'd like to give a bit of extra background about Ashore and what we're doing, and then I'll get into the work, and a small amount of data capture about you, so we can get back to people promptly.
This document is also a form, so there's a few places to capture your interest and contact details on the way.

Important TLDR;

Like all startups, cash-flow is a consideration for us, at the moment, immediate priority will go to individual writers willing to accept a free stay at one of our homes for payment. (Plus-ones encouraged!)
We absolutely appreciate that doesn't pay the mortgage or rent - we will be in a better position to pay content creators in the next 2-3 months - if you'd like me to get back in touch then, please leave your details and leave "free-stay" unchecked; skip to the bottom for the "submit" button.

Contact Details

Your contact e-mail please:
Your name:
Your instagram: (optional)
Your LinkedIn: (optional)
Your Twitter: (optional)

You can accept payment via:

You can accept payment via:
(Select all that apply)
Rough rate per 500 words (£) (Non-binding)

OK details captured, please read on - there are "inline" content-related questions, but don't forget to hit submit at the end!

About Ashore

Ashore is a very early-stage startup. Our vision is to get people out of their home offices (especially city-folks), and get them into the best of Britains' towns and villages. We believe these kinds of remote-work breaks re-energise and re-motivate workers and stave-off burnout.
We're also bringing people out to communities that have suffered from "peak-season-itis", places where a lot of the homes are empty outside the summer & school holidays. We like to think we're bringing some life, and importantly money into those communities in the low and off-seasons. I've personally had a "what are you doing here in November!?" from a small shop owner visiting a beach town in Devon.
We see ourselves as competitors to the cult of co-working spaces: £180+ a month to slog the same old commute, see a group of people you don't know or work with, get forced through some tragically ineffective "community building" (it is Britain after all), and in reality, only use the space once or twice a week;
We think an Ashore trip as a better alternative. Maybe once a quarter for roughly the same price as 3 months of a hot-desking membership - get away without using your holiday. Put your wellbeing or remote-working budget into a small Cottage, local shop, café pub - instead of a Venture Capital backed office development, Tesco, Pret, and Spoons.

The Content Plan

We have two parallel visions for Ashore's content.
A pure travel play focused on the best of Britain's rural towns and villages
Remote-work breaks as-a-mechanism for improving worker productivity, and mental health in the hybrid-working era.

You are interested in covering:

You are interested in covering:
(Please check any that apply)


The idea is that exploring Ashore's travel content is enough of a reason to visit us on its own.
The content will be explorable via a fairly standard (but beautiful) blog, and our map of the UK online and in-app)
N.B: As most of our customers are working traditional hours Mon-Fri, we would like to consider activities, visits, and local attractions that are accessible before work, during lunch, and after work on weekdays.

We would like regional content from the following regions:

Please check if you have personal experience with, or interest in writing about:
We would like regional content from the following regions:

We would like local content for:

Please check if you have personal experience with, or interest in writing about:
We would like local content for:
Off-the-cuff thoughts or bullet points on travel-related content can be left here:

Remote & Hybrid Work

We're open to pitches here, there's research out there around worker productivity improving with a change of location, and there are surely angles about hybrid-working, co-working spaces, and worker happiness. Ideally we'd like a series to be put together for our LinkedIn and Ashore Partners offering.
Off-the-cuff thoughts or bullet points welcome on direction here:

Thank you so much again for taking the time to read and get in touch.

Next Steps

If you're interested in a free-stay we will start conversations by the end of March, otherwise I'll be in touch in the near future as we expand our content arm. We are adding locations all the time so we expect our content writing needs to increase over time.
If you have any further comments, ideas, or feedback, or relevant links - please leave them here:
And finally if you'd like to upload any files of relevant work, pleas do so here (10MB limit)